I’ve been asking a lot of people about what their favorite time of year. The almost unanimous response is autumn/fall. And you know what – I’m going to go on record saying that this time of year is underrated. autumn is fricken’ awesome:
- Weather cools down but things don’t get dreary and rainy.
- If you live in a place that has seasons, the colors blow your mind.
- If you live in a place that has seasons, say bye-bye to humidity and bugs!
- If you live in CA, the heat becomes more bearable.
- It has my personal favorite holiday: Thanksgiving (You eat and you give thanks. How is this not more popular?).
- You get the best sleep. It’s cold enough that you don’t have to remove the covers but not so cold that you’re shivering when you get in.
- And the most important reason: NBA season begins!
I repeat. Autumn is amazing and underrated.
Another great thing about autumn. You get to start drinking heavier beers. Today I’m looking for what might be my favorite type of beer: the barley wine. Continue reading